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Goddess Kanaka Durga who shined on the Indrakeeladri is auspicious (Kalyaha Rupini) and wish fulfiller. Hence she is praised in Lalitha Sahasra Nama Sthotra as KALYANEE JAGATEEKANDA KARUNAARASA SAAGARAA". Learned ones say that the marriage ritual performed to the World's Mother Durga and father Malleswaras is most sacred and auspicious. The people who are suffering from matrimonial disturbances, disorders of planets, those who are facing toils n' boils in life as well as in business, serious illness - aught to perform 'SANTHI KALYANA' to Durga Malleswaras of here. By this all their toils will be abolished. They attain peace and wealth.
Hence couples may perform this Santhi Kalyana ritual personally by paying Rs.500 (Rupees five hundred only). If they are willing to pay Rs. 5,000. (Rupees five thousand only) at a time every year on a particular day that specified by the devotee, this Santhi Kalyana will be performed
Note: All the required Pooja Material will be arranged by the Devasthanam itself. Free entry facility for the couples into the Durga Temple and other sub temples is also arranged.
This is the chanting of Lalitha Sahasranamastotra. It means goddess Durga is the prime supreme power that the cause of creation, sustenance and destroy (Sristhi, Sthithi, Laya Karini). She has been receiving daily poojas in the form of Lalitha on this Indrakeeladri mountain. The holy mother is prevailing in the greatest effical SRI CHAKRA. Hence by the words of intellectuals, performing poojas to this Sri Chakra is as equal as performing poojas to holy mother Durga. For the convenience of the devotees, Sri Chakra Navaavaranarchana ritual programme is arranged by this Sri Durga Malleswara Swamy Devasthanam. Devotees as couples may participate in this most sacred, wealth giver, health giver Sri Chakra Navaavaranarchana by paying Rs. 516/- (Rupees. Five Hundred and Sixteen Rupees only).
By paying Rs.6,000/- (Six Thousand Rupees Only) at a time, Sri Chakra Navvavaranarchana ritual will be performed by the names and gothras of the devotees once in a year on a particular day their lifelong. So all the devotees are hereby requested to participate in this ritual programme and attain salvaÂtion.
Note: All the ritual material will be supplied by the Devasthanam itself. After the pooja, free entry facility into the Durga Temple and all other sub-temples is arranged to the couples.
Scholars say "KALOU CHANOI VINAYAKOU". It means after performing Pooja, goddess CHANDI and VINAYAKA are the instant result giving deities in this Kaliyuga. Goddess Durga is the form of Chandi who is shinning on this holy mountain Indrakeeladri, that is situated at the banks of most sacred river Krishna. Whether you call Chandi or Durga, both are the same. Goddess Durga prevailing on this mountain in a Trinity - MAHAKAALI - killed form of Madu Kaitabhas, MAHALAKSHMI - killed form of MAHISHASURA and MAHASARASWATHI - killed form of Sumbha and Nisumbha. Worshipping this powerfull goddess is of two kinds. One of them is performing poojas and the other is performing a systematic Homa. Scholars say that by performing Chandi Homa and worshipping Devi in this system gives random result. That's why Devasthanam is organising Chandi Homa daily in the godess temple. Couples may participate in this Homa by paying Rs. 516 each. Hence devotees are requested to participate in this Chandi Homa which gives abundant money, wealth and generation growth.
Once, goddess Durga was most ferocious who shined on Indra Keeladri after the distroyment of Durgamasura the World's evil. Jagadguru Sankaracharya came here and had a sacred thought of convertÂing the ferocious Durga into most peace full and blissfull Durga. For this, Sankaracharya personally installed powerful Sri Chakra Machine (Yanthra) here. That's all, from then goddess Durga turned as peaceful and blissful to devotees. Then itself, Sankaracharya ordered that goddess Durga should be worshipped with Lalitha Sahasra Namasthotra daily. From then, goddess Durga has been worshipping with Lalitha Sahasranama daily. Scholars say that Lalitha Sahasranama Sthotra is situated in Brahmandapurana and most powerful. Hence Devasthanam arranged 'Laksha Kumkumarchana' in the temple so that, devotees can worship goddess Durga personally.
Everyday 10 'Rithwiks' perform this Laksha Kumkumarchana according to the 'Sasthra'. Couples may participate in this by paying Rs. 1000/- (Rupees one thousand only). By paying Rs.10,000 (Rupees Ten Thousand only) devotees may avail the opportunity of performing Laksha Kumkumarchana on a particular day once in a year life long with their Name & Gothra. So all the devotees are requested to participate in this archana which is most interesting to goddess Durga.
Note: All the Pooja material required for this seva will be arranged by Devasthanam itself 1/2 kg 'Chakra Pongali' and 1/2 kg .Pulihora' will be offered to devotees as 'Prasada'.
"Abhisheka Priyo Sivah" this is the chanting of Vedas. It means Lord Siva loves Abhisheka. In the temple of Sri Malleswara Swamy, Abhisheka will be performed with the systematic chanting of Namaka Chamaka, Panchasuktha and etc., manthras that were quoted in Vedas. Those who are suffering from the defects of Navagrahas and pocessing the effect of if they perform Mahanyasa Ekadasa Rudrabhisheka to Sri MalieSwara Swamy, all the effects will be nullified - This is the saying of elders.
Hence, devotees may bring Abhisheka Material and by paying Rs.20/- they can perform Abhisheka. The same Abhisheka will be performed on all the 52 respective mondays in a year with their Name and Gothra if they pay Rs. 10,490/- (Rupees Ten Thousand four hundred only).